Merchant Services in NH, MA, VT & ME

MJM helps businesses achieve fast and fluid credit card transactions.

Call us at (603) 623-0561

Powered by Electronic Payments

Partnering with MJM Associates

If you believe that your current processor provides you with the very best combination of pricing and service, you still need to call MJM to find out what you are missing!

Partnership Advantages
  • Service 24/7/365 support
  • Locally owned and operated since 1979
  • Aggressively low equipment pricing
  • Education and training: knowing the proper way to process a transaction helps save money.
  • No hidden fees
    We provide you the same cost structure that the Card Networks charge the processors.
  • No monthly minimums
    Why should you have to pay a minimum to be our customer?
  • No early termination fees
    We want you to do business with us because you want to not because you are locked into a contract.

If you believe that your current processor provides you with the very best combination of pricing and service, you still need to call MJM to find out what you are missing!

Grow Your Customer Base with MJM Payment Transaction Services. MJM suite of customer service programs allows you to offer your clientele every method of payment available.

Our industry experience, relationships and negotiating power allow us to offer aggressive rates and help you add to the bottom line. From beginning to end, the focus is on YOU, our customer.

Call (603) 623-0561 today for a free - no strings attached, no obligation review of your monthly credit card processing statements. Let us show you where to save more money!

Corporate Office:
1160 Hooksett Rd
Suite F6 2nd Floor
Hooksett, NH 03106
Phone (603) 623-0561
Fax (888) 877-1403
Mobile (603) 540-8894

Seacoast Office:
11 Westman St.
Somersworth, NH 03878
Phone (603) 692-2408
Fax (888) 534-7890

Electronic Payments Inc is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA. SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC. SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati OH. SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA. American Express® requires separate approval.